Stephanie walked a long road to get where she is today.

It began at 13. Stephanie began drinking and using drugs to cope with the trauma she experienced in her early childhood.

It spiraled into an addiction. Her self worth plummeted. Things went from bad to worse.

Eventually, Stephanie found herself homeless. Out on the streets. Utterly alone.

For protection, she began depending on men also living on the street. Jumping from one relationship to another just to survive.

“It was really scary,” Stephanie remembers.“I never want to feel that way again .”

Things hit rock bottom when her abusive boyfriend abandoned her out of the blue. Dropping her off on the side of the road in the middle of the night.

Terrified and feeling hurt, she knew something needed to change.

“I knew I could get something to eat if I came to the Mission.” She had been to the Mission in the past.“It was during a Mission dinner, that I heard about the New Life Recovery Program.” 

Now, at her lowest point, she remembered that invitation to embrace a new life. 

As soon as she could, Stephanie filled out an application. And was accepted! Being in the recovery program, safe from the dangers of streets, allowed her to focus on getting sober. She received vital tools and support she needed to overcome her addiction and begin rebuilding her life. 

“I’m 16 months clean,” she excitedly shares. “Now I have an apartment, a license and a car. And I’ve overcome co-dependency.”

Stephanie’s also reconciled with her family.

“I have healthy relationships with my children. They call me for advice and to babysit the grandkids,” she says with a smile.

Most importantly, Stephanie now has a relationship with God.

“I used to just hate myself. But I realized God never gave up on me . . . even when I did, God didn’t,” she emotionally shares. “Before the program, I never opened a Bible,” she explains, “I have God in my life now.”

Today, she enjoys giving back. Spending time taking food to and praying with others still struggling with homelessness. Sharing, “So when they see me, they might get some hope.”

Stephanie’s story is possible because of compassionate supporters like you. 

She’s proof that a meal is a powerful way to help someone who’s homeless, hungry and hurting. The meals you give can open the door to a new life! Just imagine what God will do with your gift of meals today!

Every $2.38 you give will provide a life-changing meal for one person in need.