When Franklin’s* landlord gave him 60 days to find a new home, he didn’t worry. 

“I didn’t see that there would be a problem,” he explains. “I’m a 100% percent disabled veteran, so I receive steady disability compensation monthly.”

Franklin assumed he and his family could easily find a house similar to the one they’d rented for five years. 

But that wasn’t the case.  

“The housing market is unbelievable. We couldn’t find any comparable, affordable and safe housing in time,” Franklin explains. 

“We were forced out on the streets. I spent over 20 years in the United States Army. I never dreamed this would ever happen to me, I thought that there was no way it could.” 

Franklin and his family stayed in hotels until that got too expensive. Then they were forced to live out of their car. 

Imagine night after night sleeping in your car with your wife and kids. Frightened and worried. No end in sight. 

Franklin desperately searched for housing, not knowing where to go. He had never needed this kind of help before.

“It just seemed like there was no light at the end of the tunnel,” Franklin shares.

After struggling for more than 10 months, they finally found help at the Mission. 

“Prior to coming here, we were in crisis everyday. When we came to the Mission, that crisis was relieved. We finally had a roof over our heads,” Franklin explains.

With a safe, stable place to stay and case managers to help, Franklin was able to get connected to crucial veteran’s resources that helped him find affordable housing.

“It wasn’t until we got to the Mission’s family shelter, that we were able to connect with the right people,” Franklin explains. 

He and his family recently moved into a military apartment complex. They are thankful to be settling into their new home with a restored hope for the future.

Without the support of friends like you, Franklin and his family would likely still be struggling on the streets.

“My wife has a calmness that she didn’t have before coming to the Mission. It’s given my children comfort that they didn’t have. And it’s allowed me to focus on helping my family,” Franklin gratefully shares.

Your compassionate and generous gifts change lives!

“What you’ve done for us has been a lifesaver. You don’t know how many lives you’ve touched or how many lives that will be touched by the people you’ve helped.” 

Each $19.91 you give will provide a night of shelter and a day of crucial meals and care for someone in dire need.

*Name and photo changed to protect client privacy.